Part One Heaven is here, or as Jesus put it, the “kingdom of God is in your midst.” Heaven as a pla[...]
Part One Heaven is here, or as Jesus put it, the “kingdom of God is in your midst.” Heaven as a pla[...]
People that we trust will hurt us. In these moments of pain, we are called beyond vengeance to healing, not ju[...]
When the belief systems we were handed no longer match our understanding of God, we're called to tear down wha[...]
For most of my life, salvation meant one very specific thing. I used to be saved, certainly and finally, but t[...]
I never realized that the patriarchal structure of the Christianity I grew up in determined how I related to[...]
My life was lived in lightness, my family always knew how to have a good time. We laughed and had parties and[...]
When you leave the religious tradition you were raised in, you might end up seeking God in unfamiliar places.