Learning how to follow means learning how to let go of control. Where is the goodness in your life that you di[...]
Learning how to follow means learning how to let go of control. Where is the goodness in your life that you di[...]
Why does the Christian Church condemn men who wear dresses when Jesus wore a tunic which is, in every modern s[...]
When we fall short of our expectations, shame rushes in. But when we react with humility, the antidote to sham[...]
I came upon a pile of stones laid down 2,000 years ago when Jesus asked a question: Who among you will be the[...]
Part One Heaven is here, or as Jesus put it, the “kingdom of God is in your midst.” Heaven as a pla[...]
People that we trust will hurt us. In these moments of pain, we are called beyond vengeance to healing, not ju[...]
When the belief systems we were handed no longer match our understanding of God, we're called to tear down wha[...]