We know Her well in both the domestic and public spheres, but She is emerging in new ways as we dismantle the[...]
We know Her well in both the domestic and public spheres, but She is emerging in new ways as we dismantle the[...]
Sallie McFague writes, “God is she, he and neither.” We’ve spent our lives honoring the "He," the mascul[...]
How the Greek myth of Philomela immortalizes the power of feminine creativity to liberate and empower women to[...]
For most of my life, salvation meant one very specific thing. I used to be saved, certainly and finally, but t[...]
I never realized that the patriarchal structure of the Christianity I grew up in determined how I related to[...]
My life was lived in lightness, my family always knew how to have a good time. We laughed and had parties and[...]
When you leave the religious tradition you were raised in, you might end up seeking God in unfamiliar places.