rude southern sayings

And if you want to make up even more phrases, you can do it yourself! "Bless your heart" has many different meanings in the South. Potato salad is another one of those dishes that we can all agree needs to be at the Easter potluck, but we don't all agree on what, exactly, it is. These sayings are sure to bring back a host of memories and a ton of laughter and of course, some Southern pride. Shes so skinny, you cant even see her shadow. If everything is coming your way, youre in the wrong lane! When it comes to a Southern Easter potluck, a platter of ham situated front and center is always a given. Its said Southerners do not like to sugarcoat anything, except when they want to lash an unmentionable expletive. Honey, it's not your fault. Hes richern Croesus. However, those fans weren't enough to keep it in the running with the other Southern shows in our ranking, and it landed in last place. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. So, leave all your preconceived notions aside and put up your best Southern drawl, as weve compiled a list of some hilarious Southern quotes to tickle your funny bone. Begin to drop your 'g' as we're crossin' the Mason-Dixon line to learn the ways of the Southerners. - Ralphie May. It refers to someone short, or used to be short, and is all grown up. (youve taken me by surprise). 4. in a southern home is less of an interrogative and more of a declarative statement. Shes meaner than a wet panther. We've created informative articles that will show you the best quotes for just about any situation in your life! Tall cotton bushes are easier to pick and yield higher returns. . (This goes back to the days of wealthy cotton plantations. It's just that we have an aversion to aggression in everyday discourse. He thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow. WebA southern accent is nothing to be ashamed of, so whether someone has one or not, this is not a welcome statement. Beware though: we don't recommend reading any further on an empty stomach. "Shut up" is viewed as rather rude in the South. We weren't allowed to say that word." Hes so ugly, hed scare a buzzard off a gut pile. Or skunk. "I think it is safe to say that while the South is hardly Christ-centered, it is most certainly Christ-haunted." Yall kin say whut yall want about the South, but yall never heard o nobody retirin an movin North. Sign up for notifications from Insider! 11. 2. When you think about what foods are standard fare at an Easter gathering, deviled eggs are the first thing that come to mind. The most extreme versions usually include a hodgepodge of anything and everything -- peas, bacon and a sugar-filled mayo dressing, for instance -- while others are a little tamer (and a little less delicious, if we're being honest. He fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. 18. To avoid the draft on either side, Cooter decided to stay drunk throughout the entire war, making him ineligible for battle. Photo: H. Armstrong Roberts/ClassicStoc/Getty Images, 20 Unspoken Rules of Etiquette That Every Southerner Follows, 110 Loving Messages for Mom that Go Beyond 'Happy Mother's Day', Matthew McConaughey Quotes That Show Why He's Our Favorite Southern Gent, A Passionate Community of Activists, Scientists, and Volunteers Are Devoted To Saving Florida's Sea Turtles, Dolly Parton: The Southern Living Interview, Things Mama Whispers During A Southern Funeral, Things Only Southern Moms Say To Their Daughters, 190 Happy Birthday Wishes for Friends, Family, and Everyone In Between, 115 Sympathy Messages for Friends and Family, 20 Things Southerners Love To Say About The Weather, Flower Names for Girls That are Totally Charming, "Cuss words unless they're turned into Southernisms, like 'hell's bells,' thereby neutralizing the profanity. You look rode hard and put up wet. The words originally had a literal meaning, which was used to command horses to slow down. Southerners make no bones about the fact that they never sugarcoat their opinions. Will it be glazed in brown sugar or served with pineapple chutney? We rounded up a list of common Southern sayings that our mamas have said to us over the years. Im so hungry I could eat the north end of a south-bound goat. This phrase describes a person whos blissfully ignorant of reality. 6. "Jim doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground" Jim is an idiot, likely in reference to a specific topic. Content courtesy of Business Insider. Lawd, people will be able to see to Christmas! (Poor rock), 11. She has written some 30 Southern Journal essays for the magazine and extensively covered the unique cultural pockets of the South, including Acadian Louisiana, the Mississippi Delta, South Florida, and the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Good for you. The timeless show, which first aired in 1960, is both humorous and wholesome, a combination not easily found these days. Using our Just Like Mama Used to Say card game, we made up some phrases for the most ill-mannered folks we meet. Teens attempt to take car comes to naught after learning its a stick-shift, Kids learn about Michaelangelo in Renaissance art class, then principal gets fired for it, Squatter keeps couple from moving into their new home and even has support from the police, Video shows how brave cop wrangles a dangerous alligator, Toddler hugs pizza delivery man goodbye unaware that hes going through insurmountable grief, Couple falls in love on app after living near each other for 40 years but never meeting, Highschooler cant afford dream gown so prom date makes her one from scratch, Bindi Irwins daughter just turned two and she is her mamas mini me. There might be a lot of crime shows out there these days, none of them have anything on "Walker, Texas Ranger". ", "hush up" is a way to tell someone to "shut up", 25 things every Midwesterner knows to be true, 20 cities in the South that Americans are escaping in droves. (The tongue is in reference to the part of the zipper you grab hold of to pull it up and down. You may hear "soda" in the Northeast or "pop" in the Midwest, but if you're in the South, all soda is referred to as "Coke.". So a person who's had a rough day and is a little worse for wear may compare themselves to a horse with a lazy owner. We really arent trying to be obsequious. When you have a rude clerk in a store, you walk away feeling bad. Green Or Yellow: What's The Real Color Of Key Lime Pie? Im so hungry my belly thinks my throats been cut. Hes so ugly hed scare a buzzard off a gut pile. It's really not her fault she turned out that way. Shes so ugly, Id hire her to haunt a house! You cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear. Even Pepsi is called Coke. 29. WebJenson Button. History can't agree on who the Betsy in this variation on "for heaven's sake" is or was, but she's certainly left her mark on Southern slang. It is the ultimate show of hospitality that should not be rejected, even if you're fresh out of an all-you-can-eat buffet. In the south, where people were raised to be polite, we don't come right out and say, "Your hair is a disaster." Unsweetened tea to a child of the South is not tea. An extremely cocky rooster might think the sun rises simply because he crows. Somehow, despite the fact its simple ingredients seem to have no business being in a dish together, it just works, y'all. Valerie Fraser Luesse has been affiliated with Southern Living and its parent company since 1988. (I guess that means people only got lucky on Christmas?). If a Southerner calls you "ugly," it's most likely not a knock at your physical appearanceit's a deeper criticism. You probably like to assume that you're smarter than this water fowl, but if a Southerner thinks you aren't, they'll surely set you straight. That's because some people prefer their potato salad to be mayonnaise-based while others like it to have a mustard kick. Find out more here.). A basket of yeast rolls. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. He squeezes a quarter so tight the eagle screams. The response was always, 'Can't never could do anything. "Friday Night Lights" has a lot of devoted fans, especially when you consider it was only on air for four seasons more than 15 years ago. It never happened again. These stereotypes of overt Southern racism have deep roots in segregation, slavery, and violence, but it's important to note that they are just that: stereotypes. The former is poor grammar; the latter is both poor grammar and an excuse for laziness. Hes as drunk as Cooter Brown. There's just something about green bean casserole, pineapple casserole might be the best casserole of 'em all, Potato salad is another one of those dishes, There's no food quite like Southern Fried Chicken, Subscribe to It's a Southern Thing's free newsletter, Its a Southern Thing wins 3 honors at the spring 2023 BookFest Awards, Southern states described in only two words, Oscar-winning director wears tux bought at Alabama's Unclaimed Baggage on big night, 16 children's Easter books to read this spring, 16 Southern sayings you'll hear in the school drop-off line, Olive Garden sends couple to Italy after photo shoot goes viral, HGTVs Ben and Erin Napier to appear in home improvement-themed Christmas movie, Nevermind sports, Kentucky senior signs letter of intent for future plumbing gig, 21 places in the South to visit this year, This small-town state park is the perfect weekend getaway, Dole Whips, a favorite treat at Disney parks, is coming to grocery stores, This Mississippi town is the ultimate food getaway, 20 Lewis Grizzard quotes on Southern food. I'm from Missouri, we get a mix of southern and midwestern, so these might not all be southern, but they are all fun. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. This effect pulls the pigs lips back to reveal a toothy grin, making it look happy even though its dead. Shes pitching a hissy fit. Im so poor I couldnt jump over a nickel to save a dime. Ever complimented a frog on their coif? They provide us with hugs and snuggles and biscuits and gravy and, of course, wisdom and funny sayings. Hes slickern owl sh*t. (Eww, how do they know? 51 Disrespect Quotes for Dealing with Rude People Disrespect is tired. Like. Sometimes crawfish are also called freshwater lobsters or mountain lobsters. I think she's pretty . Keep scrolling to see 25 Southern words and expressions you probably won't hear anywhere else. As a public service to help us all, here are 11 things you should never say to someone from the South. Naturally, Standard Oil threw a hissy fit and tried to impeach him on some fairly erroneous charges (including attending a drunken party with a stripper). So when that insult comes your way, you'd better take a hard look at your manners and behavior. "I'm so Southern that I'm related to myself." 50. Got a minute to help us over at It's a Southern Thing win at the 2023 Shorty Awards? 1. 34. Here are 50 of the richest, funniest, and most colorful sayings that a Southerner might say to you. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Theres a tree stump in a Louisiana swamp with a higher IQ. And for terms that another region holds dear, check outYou Know You're from the Midwest if You Know What These Words Mean. "Living high on the hog" Doing well, eating well. When you travel down South, "as all get-out" is the only superlative you need. He squeezes the quarter so tight the eagle screams. The insinuation here is that everyone from the South sounds the same and that you are lucky to not be cursed with that awful regional drawl. 2023 Galvanized Media. Hes so rich he buys a new boat when he gets the other one wet. Those pants are so tight I can see her religion. Racism does not simply live below the Mason-Dixon line. Some folks like their potato salad to have pickles in it while some want eggs or onions or all of the above. - Charles Blow. We weren't allowed to say that word. 30 Mother Daughter Quotes To Show Mama Some Love, Sunflower Quotes to Inspire and Brighten Your Day, 3 Southern Sayings Even Scarier Than "Bless Her Heart", 35 Wedding Blessings, Prayers, and Readings for Your Special Day, 38 Southern Chicken Names For Your Favorite Bird. You're not married? They speculate its a colloquial perversion of cater-corner. Variations include: catawampous, cattywampus, catty wonkus. Photo by Valentin Salja on Unsplash. 49. (Someone give this poor guy a nickel! . Stay up to date with what you want to know. We hope you enjoy Quotabulary. ), 2. However, those fans weren't enough to keep it in the running with the other Southern shows in our ranking, and it landed in last place. Sh%t Southern Women Say on The Southern Women Channel. Nothing wrong with that, honey. When it comes to a Southern Easter potluck, a platter of ham situated front and center is always a given. While this phrase can be meant sincerely, it usually has an edge. Some people just dont believe lards greasy. You march to your own drummer, don't you, sweetheart? We kin see clear to the Promised Land! Im so poor I couldnt jump over a nickel to save a dime. Racism knows no boundaries, so to assume that all people of color living in the South have the same shared experiences is ignorant. ), 42. I been running all over hells half acre. It's really not her fault she turned out that way. 2. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Imagine a horse eating a carrot, and youll get the picture. A southern accent is nothing to be ashamed of, so whether someone has one or not, this is not a welcome statement. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. (Eat up, girl! I am as nervous as a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Even if it only landed in fifth place on our ranking, the comedy sitcom about the daily life of a single mom (que that catchy as all get-out theme song) is just one more thing we can add to the ever-growing list of reasons we love Reba McEntire. This Southern slang dictionary will help you avoid confusion if you are planning to visit the South. Southerners have a way with the English languageespecially when they're insulting you. Kelly Kazek. as well as other partner offers and accept our. Do not approach. It was always the first thing I was always told about my daughter. 9 Southern phrases about being rude Haley Laurence July 07 | 2020 Sometimes, we meet people so rude that we just don't have the words to describe them. (A take on catching a cold, but with pneumonia. 30. Photo by Fotos International/Getty Images, "In the Heat of the Night" has been off the air for more than 25 years, but it still has plenty of fans eager to name it as the best Southern television show, and we're not in any rush to disagree with 'em. Will bourbon be involved? (Actually, we're already in trouble because we used the "h" word in our headline): One of the quickest ways to straighten your face up is to put a little color on. 41. 3 Getty Images "Y'all." xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); The South isnt really big on details. If youre not from the Deep South, you might be about as confused as a fart in a fan factory when it comes to understanding the slang that comes out of a homegrown Southerners mouth. instead of 'ma'am?'" "Goodness gracious" comes from the 1700s, and can mean surprise, shock, or dismay. It sounds like an easy enough question until you start to consider your options -- and there are a lot of them. Hotty Toddy News is the trusted source for news, sports, and more in the LOU community. Or goat. Shes so buck-toothed, she could eat an apple through a picket fence. According to, a Southerner could use the idiom like this: "You can keep arguing till the cows come home, but I won't change my mind.". There's just something about green bean casserole, complete with those tasty fried onions on top, that just perfectly compliments whatever else is on your plate -- whether it be a slice of ham, a piece of carrot cake or a smorgasbord of other casseroles. . Read more: 24 Golden Girls gifts you'll love. Hes about as confused as a fart in a fan factory. Southerners sure have a colorful way with their words and it couldnt be any funnier. 27. (Poor goat), 9. (Hes royally pissed off. And it makes Mama doubt whether you will EVER be worthy of Great-Aunt Aurelia's sterling. Southern grandmothers are, like Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way. Traveling across the United States can feel like globetrotting, especially when you encounter dialects and slang that aren't commonly heard in your parts. It was adapted into famous Southern literary works, such as Mark Twain's "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court," and has been used in the South ever since. Read more: Funny Southern words from The Andy Griffith Show. Thats about as useful as tits on a bull. ", "'Stupid.' Everything is Coke. 46. These terms have been popularized by popular children's stories, like "The Little Mermaid,"as well as Dr. Suess books. Copyright Quotabulary &, Inc. Neglecting to say "please," "thank you," "yes sir," or "no ma'am" when addressing your elders is more disrespectful than some four-letter words. xhr.send(payload); Never disrespect anyone. I am not a medical expert or a scientist. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider While this phrase can be meant sincerely, it usually has an edge. Mosey on over here to vote for us! 9. (Cats hate water.). #sorrymama", "'Hate." ), 5.'POST', '', true); One of the most common and most Southern phrases that's still in use, this one means that you're about to (or thinking about) doing something, whether that's make a snack, go to work, or give someone a piece of your mind. Cooter Brown is an infamous character in Southern lore. Thank you? What isn't a given though is exactly what type of ham it will be. The phrase stuck. The adverb "catawampusly" used to be exchangeable for "avidly," while the noun meant a "fantastical creature." Why do Southerners invoke his name in place of "hell"? #sorrymama" "'Hate." She has written some 30 Southern Journal essays for the magazine and extensively covered the unique cultural pockets of the South, including Acadian Louisiana, the Mississippi Delta, South Florida, and the Outer Banks of North Carolina. 23. ), 6. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider What can we say? Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. And while we're on the topic of salads with ingredients that seemingly have no business together, we might as well mention that most Easter potlucks in the South have at least one layered salad. This expression refers to someone who may be blissfully ignorant of something. We've all known it experientially. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb. The beginnings of this Southern saying are lost to timejust suffice it to say that it means that the speaker is ravenously hungry. Some folks like their potato salad to have pickles in it while some want eggs or onions or all of the above. Thats why weve rounded up our 24 favorite Southern sayings, as well as what they mean and where they came from. Youre gonna have old and new-monia dressed like that! You just didn't know any better. WebThis Quotabulary article has all the funny Southern sayings to make "y'all as happy as a dead pig in the sunshine!" There's just something about green bean casserole, pineapple casserole might be the best casserole of 'em all, Potato salad is another one of those dishes, There's no food quite like Southern Fried Chicken, Subscribe to It's a Southern Thing's free newsletter, Its a Southern Thing wins 3 honors at the spring 2023 BookFest Awards, Southern states described in only two words, Oscar-winning director wears tux bought at Alabama's Unclaimed Baggage on big night, 16 children's Easter books to read this spring, 16 Southern sayings you'll hear in the school drop-off line, Olive Garden sends couple to Italy after photo shoot goes viral, HGTVs Ben and Erin Napier to appear in home improvement-themed Christmas movie, Nevermind sports, Kentucky senior signs letter of intent for future plumbing gig, 21 places in the South to visit this year, This small-town state park is the perfect weekend getaway, Dole Whips, a favorite treat at Disney parks, is coming to grocery stores, This Mississippi town is the ultimate food getaway, 20 Lewis Grizzard quotes on Southern food. What a cute haircut! She was so Southern that she cried tears that came straight from the Mississippi, and she always smelled faintly of cottonwood and peaches.. Also, she insists that her kids and grandkids tell her EVERYTHING even though they are now adults. 2. It looks like clear eyes and full hearts can lose, y'all. Touchstone Pictures While it might not have the mainstream popularity of the "The Golden Girls," it clearly has a strong following of its own. Others will not. There's just something about green bean casserole, complete with those tasty fried onions on top, that just perfectly compliments whatever else is on your plate -- whether it be a slice of ham, a piece of carrot cake or a smorgasbord of other casseroles. Lawd, pull that down! Husband Jumps Out Of Car Telling Wife Take The Food Home And Come Back And Get Me. Photo by Valentin Salja on Unsplash. It looks like clear eyes and full hearts can lose, y'all why weve rounded up our 24 Southern. 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