how he sees me tarot

The Strength card in a love reading indicates passion, confidence, and mutual trust. As an outcome card in reverse, Strength denotes unhealthy attachments, self-doubt, and exhaustion. The first response that might jump into your head is a person who is of a judgemental nature. But this will ultimately open you up to many more possibilities and provide closure for the past. One should recognize the compulsion and learn to delicately control the wild emotions instead of giving in to them. Ultimately, Judgement asks us to go with the flow. Concentrate on the calm face of Strength and try to understand what she stands for. With the thunder in the background and the smell of peppermint, its like being whisked away to a far away place! Two equal beings join forces, one inspiring and strengthening the other, allowing for the emergence of a new and combined consciousness. The future is neither bright nor dark; you will realize that it is simply in your hands, if only you find the strength to guide it. The universe never gives you more than you can handle. It will teach you how to resist the destructive urges, an insatiable appetite, for example, and how to control them without denying them and without neglecting your well-being. Finally, some people believe that talking the loudest proves a point and makes them right. Whether we are talking about a friend, an acquaintance, or a partner, this person admires and respects you for who you really are. Staying in inaction and doubt is often worse than actively trying to reach a solution. At this time, the best course of action is to take responsibility for yourself. In older versions of the Tarot, this card is numbered 11, suggesting the beginning of a new cycle and the replenishment of vital energy. But reversed, the card shows resentment, resistance, and uncertainty. Self-assurance and self-confidence will build up once you begin to see yourself in a different light; no longer a victim, no longer a criminal, and no longer held by the opinions of those around you. In a career reading, Strength indicates that its time to prove your worth. After the breaking of the seventh seal, the angels sound seven trumpets in sequence. An outcome to a decision might not be clear to you just yet, but it is important to mention that it is perfectly alright not to know everything at one moment in time. Whenever the Five of Pentacles shows up in a reading, it suggests a time of hardship and insecurity. There was too much trouble back where I was and I just wanted to move on. Dont neglect or push yourself. But when reversed, your relationships may not be benefiting you. The lion will bite if you let it be in charge! !TIMESTAMPS#1 geometric postcard: 2:02#2 pink text postcard: 16:38#3 eiffel tower cat postcard: 32:28 [ important extra message: if this person isn't contacting you right now, it may be because they think you want to keep fighting/they think it's going to result in a fight and don't want that .. if you approach them without anger/no fighting, they want to talk!! ] Even if she is afraid, she does not lose heart. What is the Chariot Tarot. Consider a more careful approach and find the courage to work harder, demand what you deserve, and learn from your mistakes. Since this card signifies courage, its upside-down meaning refers to letting fear, insecurity, and anxiety get the better of oneself. Otherwise, they intend to renew a relationship or agreement with you or decide how a current connection will advance. This card does not mean that difficult times are over. They want to see you make up for what youve done, right the situation, and apologize. Spend some time with a good friend who will provide comfort and help you relax. You can read spreads daily. They are paralyzed in their fear of failure or disappointment. Yet the pressure and judgement from the friends who were more comfortable with your older self only restrict your self-growth and curb your enthusiasm for changing and discovering who you are. In terms of symbolizing particular fields, buildings associated with any type of law enforcement or social work can be represented by the Judgement card. You are very much self-aware, capable of reflecting upon your mistakes and doing inner work. The Judgement reversed is saying that this relationship is not the right one for you. From Osiris and Dionysus to Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice saved all of humanity, examples are numerous. She protects and accepts her loved ones with all their flaws, knowing that everybody needs the gentle, nurturing touch of a sensitive female figure in their life. You probably have already made your choices and have some kind of a plan in mind. Learn to cherish unpredictability and release having to know what a specific outcome will be. The beast is, of course, a metaphor. On the other hand, they can see you as a person who cant face up to their true self. Sometimes I use it when I go to bed, or even in my office with my Asakuki Diffuser giving off the gentle scent of lavender in the air. When the whole universe seems to stand against you, there may be a good reason for that, and all the power in the world wont change a thing. Whether you have been literally chosen for an important task or you feel drawn to a certain path, there is nothing else to do than to answer this inner calling. Strength, in reverse, may indicate quite a few problems for your love life. Their troubles suddenly seem unimportant. This Does My Ex Miss Me? Strength has no fear. Its knowing that this person or situation is the right one for you, its the excitement of being ready to start a new chapter, feeling like youve overcome something you never thought you would, and emerging awakened on the other side. The Knight of Wands displays a fun and playful energy. Try giving answers to these questions, and maybe youll soon realize that whatever projections you had created that placed these fears in the outside world, they ultimately reside within your mind. Even so, she will offer forgiveness and show patience and understanding when others would simply turn their backs and leave. It doesnt have to be a specific situation; it can range anywhere from a time of self-discovery and clarity to a time of important decision-making and change. Theres also a possible indicator of a power struggle, where two or more people (or institutions) fight and argue to establish their points of view and debunk the claims of the opposing party. You shouldnt, however, believe that the world is yours for the taking. Reversed in career, the Judgement card talks of an unfulfilling career. It encourages the querent to focus on a shift in perspective, rather than waiting for the universe to shift the situation for you. They can perceive you as someone who suffers from indecision and cannot assert a strong opinion nor commit to a particular path. For example, if you ask will I pass my courses this semester? and you draw the Strength card, it simply means that you will pass with flying colors, as long as you study hard and have confidence in your abilities. They often have trust and commitment issues, unable to put faith in the divine nor determine what they truly want. Alternatively, an argument with a family member, partner, or friend may make you realize something about yourself, triggering a breakthrough. This card encourages you to seize the day and trust your instincts. So on this step, the seeker is summoned to awaken, rise up, and discover a cosmic truth beyond ones personal limits of knowledge and cognition. If you draw the Strength card as the pending or imminent situation, you have reclaimed your self-esteem and found your inner power! There is some sort of clarity or deeper knowledge that they have recently learned about you. In any case, the Strength card reveals a strong desire for connection and communication or conflict. Small things such as reconnecting with friends, or doing things you enjoy, will help you heal and recognize what the truth is. If everyone fixed this in their hearts, wouldnt all conflicts be much more easier to deal with? The Strength Tarot Card in a Career Reading. If this card appears reversed in the future position, it may be cause for alarm. It can be a sign of emotional repression that leads to outbursts. Moon Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! A past relationship can return, with the Judgement card signifying renewal. This is a situation where you will be forced to grapple with your past, come to realize something, or be redirected onto a new path. Pluto represents the process of going through a painful process of rebirth. Shes ready to face any challenge and succeed because shes in control of her life. The Strength card implies an active and healthy sex life. Like a symphony out of Heaven, Judgement brings together those differentiated energies to combine and guide them, an invisible maestro that casts the silence out and fills the emptiness with grace and music. Pulling this card is a sign that you are being assisted in every way. The Judgement card appears when someone thinks of you as a person who has a lot to learnand is willing to learnand as one who is quite self-reflective and handles challenges in a very mature manner. Strength reversed as a desire can be a malevolent influence. She does not allow her emotions to control her. It says that as long as you are being guided by your integrity and truthfulness here on earth, you will be assisted and led to your destination. Judgement proclaims a force greater than any individual, the crucial unavoidable summons of the sublime, arcane, and metaphysical from within, without, above, and beyond a universal awakening! The troubles of the past have made you strong and wise, and you can now face daily life with an air of confidence. Sometimes we hardly recognize the subconscious mindsets that we pick up when we are put through emotionally difficult situations. She has defeated fear and embraced her trauma. Give them space and time to think. The Star Tarot Card A reversed Judgement card signifies intentions that are not the best for your greater good. The lion merrily wiggles its tail between its legs, meaning that it poses no threat to the woman and might even be subdued by her. It is not a matter of personal choice anymore because, at this crossroads, only one path is the right one and it leads to the complete and perfect creative matrix of the World. tarot spread is perfect for exploring the possibility of rekindling an old romantic flame. Ultimately, the negative side of Strength is neglecting what makes you human and either giving in to what is eating you up inside or trying to force things, trying to impose your will upon the world instead of choosing a natural and unifying course of action. It can be being sick of your current job, relationship, or living situation, but being afraid to make any changes. Even if this is not a place from the past that now offers new meaning for you, it can feel like a home that youve just discovered. They may even think of you as dishonest or immature. Shes not imposing her will upon the beast; shes not forcing or holding it back, but rather nurturing and pacifying it. You can read this free Tarot reading to see what cards reveal his thoughts about you. They are doing what they think is right, which may not be for you. The heavenly music incites a re-evaluation of all values and an expansion of consciousness. Perhaps your friends are pushing you, fueling anxiety and anger, or its the other way around, and you believe that you are better than them. The diffuser holds more water than other diffusers and lasts longer. Give your partner space, but also take good care of them. They see you as someone who will influence and transform them. Listen to what the universe is trying to teach you. There is an inner peace that makes it clear you have done inner work. The Judgement Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees You, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed as How Someone (He/She) Sees You, The Judgement Tarot Card in a Love / Relationship Reading, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed in a Love / Relationship Reading, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed in Friendship, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed in Career, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed in Conflict, Judgement Tarot Card as What Someone Thinks of You, Judgement Tarot Card Reversed as What Someone Thinks of You, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed as Feelings, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed as a Situation, The Judgement Tarot Card as Intentions/What Someone Wants, The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed as Intentions/What Someone Wants. You are so close to making that breakthrough or major transformation- only inner work needs to be done. When the Judgement card appears in career, you are about to make a significant leap forward. When reversed, the Strength card indicates inner conflict, cowardice, and feeling vulnerable. It is far better to be patient, to ask for help when we feel overwhelmed, to try and look further and beyond temporary setbacks, and gradually change what we can so that one day we will be pleased with our decisions. Confidence is silent. Acknowledge and express what you feel, but dont let emotions get in the way of understanding what its all about and working things out. You might find your self-esteem decreasing as it does so, caught up in the what-ifs and the buts. The Strength Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees You, Strength Reversed as How Someone (He/She) Sees You. They may also desire attention and support from you and a strong connection that will stand the test of time. This can be catalyzed by an inner revelation. It is time to forgive yourself and be kinder with your own words. Whatever we do in life, we will always face difficulties. Strength expresses courage, self-discipline, recovery from trauma, inner strength, and a triumph over lifes obstacles. Strength is one of the best cards to receive when asking how a person sees you. There may be a sense of regret or loss, but it is one that is always present when old situations and energies are let go of. Whilst the Judgement card reversed does not necessarily assert that you have to cut off this friend entirely, it may be wise to distance yourself from them in the meantime. This card is a definite sign that you are stronger than you thought you were and that you can embrace the trauma instead of pushing it away into forgetfulness. Lest we forget, the card is called Judgement, suggesting there is a judge, a subject, and, perhaps, a verdict. Absolutely hold yourself accountable and right any misdeeds, but the Judgement card is more about forgiving yourself and others and healing from past wounds. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. Past karma is making its way back to you. The Diffuser adds a nice gentle scent to my home. A self-fulfilling prophecy is also common, with your own fear feeding upon the fear you produce. When Strength is drawn for career matters, theres a great potential for success. He might see me as cold and independent also. But the Judgement card brings positive news. The White Noise Maker is something I use every day. That is diametrically opposed to the Magician, the beginning of our journey, where we had an infinity of options to choose from. You may undertake an intricate task or find the confidence to attract an exciting romance. The feeling of everything clicking into place is one that makes us happy, and moreover, grateful. As an indicator of emotional and mental blocks, the Strength card in reverse calls on you to embrace trauma and build up your self-esteem. Often, the only person who cannot see our personal growth is ourselves, until we reflect back upon who we were. These questions all involve identifying a certain personal truth. Reversed, the Judgement card represents an outcome that does not result in emotional closure. This is a completely valid interpretation and might apply to your situation, but the Judgement card does go deeper than just pure judgement. They havent reached that moment of clarity with you, so perhaps they do not think of you as the most straightforward person. They see that you cannot get over past mistakes and havent learned from past lessons. This situation might drain your powers and cause you to doubt yourself. But this happens because you will soon be capable of achieving more than ever before. In this way, we become stuck in the past, unable to move forward, and eventually we stop putting ourselves out there at all in fear of reawakening these old emotions. Domination can only reinforce injustice while surrendering to inaction, silence, and fatigue will quickly disable the soul and mind alike. The meaning of The Star Tarot card is 'hope.' You can expect to see signs of promise in your current situation. Through this process of confrontation, forgiveness, and rebirth, it is the long-desired feeling of relief that will wash over you. The Strength card is about knowing you can endure lifes misfortunes. With the aid of the celestial being, we fly beyond faith and hope to absolute certainty and mystical transcendence. In reverse, Strength might indicate a place where animals are held captive, like the zoo, a farm, or a circus. It is often attributed to interview meeting places, where people are being chosen for the job. In the future position, the Strength card brings the reassurance that whatevers been troubling you will soon be under control. If we look closely at the card, we will see that the mountain, a symbol of obstacles, is relatively small compared to the woman of the Strength card. 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